How to be a Learning Superstar
Fees: RM90 normal, RM85 group price & kids of AREES alumni
The biggest problem facing students is that they have not been taught how to learn. In most cases schools focus on test results and standardised tests. Few students are taught about learning and developing the particular mind-set and skills that can help them graduate not just with great grades but with an exceptional mind. In this course we'll cover the following topics:
1. The motivation to learn
2. How do we learn?
3. Discovering your skills and strengths
4. Developing effective habits in class
5. Working in groups and networking
6. Managing time and spaces
7. Mastering homework and assignments
8. Creative thinking
9. Better reading, writing and research
10. Delivering dynamic presentations
In the session with parents we'll cover:
1. Understanding how learning happens
2. How to help with homework and assignments and exam preparation
3. Working with teachers
4. Preparing for university
5. Parenting with balance
More details and registration here:
Contact: +6010 831 5644