Healing the Soul
It's based on the work of al-Imam ibn Hazm al-Andalusi (rahimahullah), entitled Kitab al-Akhlaq wa as-Siyar fi Mudawat an-Nufus (The Book of Morals and Right Conduct in the Healing of the Souls).
In the book, ibn Hazm mentions the virtues of being criticized and the vices of being praised. Before mentioning this, he cautions the reader that it is impossible to completely avoid the criticism of others. Indeed, it is true that no matter what you do, no matter how noble and virtuous the act or effort, you are bound to be criticized by others for it. Therefore, it is fitting for the believer not to concern himself with pleasing the creation or avoiding its criticism, but to focus solely on earning the pleasure of Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala.
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