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International Seminar on Islam and Green Technology

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As a religion that upholds man's stewardship of the earth and its living environment, Islam is supportive of a ‘green' technology. The normative teachings of the Qur'an and hadith emphasise mankind's accountability and responsibility towards maintaining balance and harmony in God's creation. Both of these sources urge humanity to treat the earth and its inhabitants with accountability and compassion and to refrain from any harmful treatment of the environment. This is the purport and meaning, in fact, of the renowned hadith-cum-legal maxim: “la-darar wa-la dirar fi'l Islam” (harm may neither be inflicted nor reciprocated in (the name of) Islam).

Yet contemporary realities show a considerable gap between the ideals of Islamic teachings on environmental protection and the real practice of Muslim individuals and communities. Muslim nations across the globe are pursuing economic progress as the sole aim of their development programmes at the expense often of environmental sustainability. This is evident from the latest Pollution Index 2016 which reveals Muslim countries like Lebanon, Egypt, and Bangladesh to have among the highest pollution rates in the world. Therefore, prompt and effective measures as well as long term plans need to be identified and executed to ensure that Muslim societies will improve their treatment of the environment and ensure a sustainable pattern of relationship with nature, thereby contributing to the betterment of the planet for the benefit of both the present and future generations. One practical step towards that end is to construct, adopt and utilise green technology as an overall concept and guidance for people's daily living and lifestyle as well as a government policy programme.

Green technology is the application of environmental science in its quest of conserving and protecting the natural environment. It is an initiative comprising various methods, practical measures and material enhancements ranging from generating alternative energy sources to non-toxic cleaning products. In principle, green technology bears perfect harmony with the Islamic objectives and principles such as striving for the betterment of people's living conditions, environmental health, seeking reward in this life and the next, as well as exerting efforts that establish a balance of values and moderation in the use of earth's resources. Muslims need to explore the rich resources of their tradition to identify principles, concepts and strategies that enhance the implementation of green technology and take measures in the meantime that harmonise the interests of the present and future inhabitants of this planet.


To identify Islamic concepts and principles that support green lifestyles, technology and science.
To articulate the potential contributions of Islamic civilisation to the enhancement of green technology and its implementation in society and the living environment.
To analyse and evaluate initiatives taken by government agencies, corporate sector, and civil society in promoting green technology among Muslims.
To highlight innovative measures and technologies contributed by Muslim scientists and researchers for the advancement of green technology.

Scope of papers/ presentations

Papers are welcomed in any field of research relevant to the subject of Islam and green technology that may include, but not limited to the following:

Renewable Energy from the Islamic Perspective
Discovering Potentials of Herbs and medicinal uses for Health and Wealth generating purposes
Complementary Medicine and its environmental benefits
Green Economy, Financing & Philanthropy
Toward an Islamic Green Lifestyle
Islamic Concept of Green Technology
Islam & Permaculture
Green Innovative Technologies
Green Activism and public awareness raising
Green Management Strategies
Protection of Animal Welfare & Wildlife
Green Food Supply


The fee will cover the seminar package (proceedings, meals) only.
Participants cover their own travelling and accommodation expenses.

A group discount of 10% is available for three or more participants from one institution or corporation registering together.

International Institute of Advanced Islamic Studies (IAIS) Malaysia.
Jalan Elmu, Off Jalan Universiti 59100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Tel: +603-7956 9188 Fax: +603-7956 2188 / +603-7956 2966


International Institute of Advanced Islamic Studies

Jalan Elmu, Off Jalan University, 59100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


International Institute of Advanced Islamic Studies

Based in Kuala Lumpur, the International Institute of Advanced Islamic Studies (IAIS) Malaysia (Comp...


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