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Hj Roslan Mohammad
Roslan Mohamad is currently the Director of Monitoring and Compliance (Broadcasting) Department of the Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia (MCMC).
Prior to his current portfolio, he was a Senior Manager of Policy and Regulatory Initiatives Development of Industry Development Division since joining the MCMC in March 2003. He was instrumental in the recommendation and approval in the broad policy framework for the implementation of Digital Terrestrial TV Broadcasting in Malaysia in 2006. He was also the Chairman for ASEAN Digital Broadcasting Policy Specialist Working Group in 2007-2009.
Prior to joining the MCMC, he worked for more than 5 years with Celcom Malaysia Bhd, the leading mobile operator in Malaysia since 1998. His last position was as Vice President for Venture and Consultancy Division.
He held both Bachelor’s and Master’s in Business Administration, from the International Islamic University Malaysia. He also holds a Diploma in Investment Analysis from the Institute of Technology MARA.
Roslan has been invited to speak at many conferences, such as the World Expo 2000 in Hanover, Germany, 3GSM Asia in Singapore, Mobile Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur, 37th Annual International Institute of Communication Conference in Kuala Lumpur, Sun Microsystem Seminar and MyBroadband Conference in Kuala Lumpur. Asia Media Summit in Jeddah ,2014.
He was appointed to be a member of few strategic initiatives by the Government such as:
• Member of Steering Committee on the National Digitalisation Master Plan under the Economic Planning Unit of Prime Minister’s Department;
• Member of Technical Committee for 9Th Malaysian Plan on ICT Chapter
• Member of the Steering Committee on Digital Terrestrial TV Broadcasting under the Ministry of Energy, Water and Communication.
• The Chairman of ASEAN Policy Specialist Working Group of ASEAN Digital Broadcasting; and
• Panel member for Creative Industry Grant under the Ministry of Information, Communication and Culture.